

Send your articles through the Morressier platform


Completed R&D works featured within one of the conference topics will have a page limit ranging from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 15 pages. Accepted works will be published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, indexed in Scopus.   

Templates and Guidelines 

Please use the following templates and guidelines to help you prepare your work: 

Essential Guidelines 


Authors must prepare their papers using the provided Microsoft Word or LaTeX2e templates and convert them to PDF format for submission: 

Submission Requirements 

  • Two versions of the article must be submitted: 
  • One PDF with the author’s identification, email, and affiliation. 
  • One PDF without the author’s identification, email, and affiliation for the double-blind review process. 
  • Articles must adhere to the specified format, be written in English, and must not have been published previously or be under review for any other conference or publication. 
  • The complete information with the names and affiliations of the authors should only be included in the final version accepted by the editors. The final version in both Word and PDF formats, along with the consent form to publish, should be submitted in a ZIP file through the conference management system. 

Review Process 

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review by at least two program committee members. Based on the evaluation, editors may reject or accept a document. On the event day, authors of accepted works will have 10 minutes to present their work, followed by 5 minutes for questions from attendees. 


If you wish to submit an article to CienciAmérica, indexed in Latindex, at no cost, please follow the instructions:  

Submission Guidelines 

Manuscript Preparation 

  • Finished R&D works must be related to one of the conference topics and will have a maximum page limit of 10 pages. 
  • Use the provided Microsoft Word template for preparing your manuscript. 

Submission Process 

  • To submit your document, please go to: Submission Form
  • The version of the article submitted for evaluation by the Scientific Committee must be in PDF format and should not include the author’s name, email, or affiliation. 
  • The final version of accepted articles must include complete author information and be saved in Word and PDF format.  


  • Articles accepted through the editorial process will be published in a special issue of CienciAmérica. 

For any further information or assistance, please contact: csecity@indoamerica.edu.ec 

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